Xvive, long awaited re-make of the classic MN3005 bucket brigade delay
xVive mn3005 bbd clone, IC, 14 pin DIP package
new from xvive, long awaited re-make of the classic MN3005 bucket brigade delay
This product is currently in PRE-ORDER status.
Expected delivery to us is Dec 26 2015 to January 10, 2016; expected delivery to you will follow within a few days after receipt by us.
By about 5 Dec, will show a quantity IN STOCK, but it is only IN STOCK for the purposes of the pre-order group buy-- not in stock physically. When you order from this product page, you acknowledge that you are ordering PRE-ORDER and agree to wait until the items are available to us for your shipment.
Once the pre-order group buy orders are fulfilled, the price will revert to regular retail.
The pre-order group buy is intended as a service for synth enthusiasts, and as such quantities are limited for the pre-order group buy -- we reserve the right to refuse or refund any order for this item.